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Table 7 Temperature-, extraterrestrial radiation-, and precipitation-based empirical models and their parameters

From: Global solar radiation estimation from commonly available meteorological data for Bangladesh




Temperature-based models


\(H/H_0 = a[1-\hbox {exp}(-b(\Delta T^{\mathrm{c}}))]\)

a, b, c

Bristow and Campbell (1984)

\(H/H_0 = a \times \hbox {exp}(b\Delta T)\)

a, b

Proposed model

\(H/H_0 = a[1-\hbox {exp}(-b(\Delta T^{\mathrm{a}}))]\)

a, b

Proposed model

\(H/H_0 = a \times \hbox {exp}(b\Delta T) + c \times \hbox {exp}(d\Delta T)\)

a, b, c, d

Proposed model

\(H/H_0 = a(\sqrt{\Delta T})\)


Hargreaves and Samani (1982)

\(H/H_0 = a(\sqrt{\Delta T})+b\)

a, b

Chen et al. (2004)

\(H/H_0 = a\Delta T^{\mathrm{b}}\)

a, b

Proposed model

\(H/H_0 = a\Delta T^{\mathrm{b}}+c\)

a, b, c

Proposed model

\(H/H_0 = a\Delta T^2 + b\Delta T + c\)

a, b, c

Proposed model

\(H/H_0 = a\Delta T^3 + b\Delta T^2 + c\Delta T + d\)

a, b, c, d

Proposed model

Temperature- and extraterrestrial radiation-based models


\(H/H_0 = a[1-\hbox {exp}(-b(\Delta T^{\mathrm{c}})/H_0)]\)

a, b, c

Goodin et al.

\(H/H_0 = a(\sqrt{\Delta T})(1+bH_0+c(H_0)^2)\)

a, b, c

Proposed model

\(H/H_0 = a + b\Delta T + cH_0\)

a, b, c

Proposed model

Temperature- and precipitation-based models


Proposed model

\(H/H_0 = a(\Delta T^{\mathrm{b}})(1+cP+dP^2)\)

a, b, c, d

DeJong and Stewart (1993)

\(H/H_0 = a + b\Delta T + cP\)

a, b, c

Proposed model

\(H/H_0 = a(\Delta T^{\mathrm{b}})+c(P^{\mathrm{d}})\)

a, b, c, d

Proposed model